Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Herbs and Remedies

The Herbal Remedy Cure Handbook: "Are you tired of taking medications that do not help cure your symptoms?

Although your medications do provide instant reliefs, to your utter dismay, you find that your symptoms come back again and again. They never really went away. This means that you are almost perpectually on a cocktail of medications.

Over time, you also find that you need a stronger prescription for the same level of pain. Medications can become ineffective as your body grow accustomed to them.

Also, with taking medications, you also set yourself up for side effects. The side effects may include symptoms like frequent headaches, constipation, allergies, sluggishness, constant fatigue and other disorders. Plenty of which, you probably are not even aware of that they result from consuming too much drugs.

In fact, if you don't already know this.... Drug medications are chemical substances that are toxins to your body. If left accumulated in your body, they can create harm. The symptoms that you have been experiencing are just the tip of the iceberg.

If you don't believe me about what I'm saying about drugs, recall this....

How many drug related lawsuits do you read of in the papers that are reported after they caused life threatening diseases or deaths?

Plenty, I'm sure.

Here's a common example. Accutane.

Accutane was marketed asas a safe acne medication when it was first launched. Subsequently, there were various reports of serious side effects and suicides attributed to it. All in all, there have been more than 142 suicides involving Accutane. In addition this drug carries the high risk of deformed babies, miscarriage, premature birth, or death of the baby. Severe liver damage has also been reported with the use of this drug. What is amazing is that this drug is still being prescribed.

It is the same with many other drugs. They continue to be marketed despite reports of severe side effects by the many who rely on them for treatment.

In your case, if you start experiencing the various but less severe symptoms, you probably woudn't attribute them to the drugs that you have been consuming. So the side effects after consuming them go largely unreported.

The Herbal Remedy Cure Handbook

Modern medicine is failing its patients

Despite advances in modern medicine and medical technology, more than ever, there are increase incidences of cancer and diseases. You will find that you know of someone, maybe a neighbour or a loved one, who has a life threatening disease or a severe ailment that is not "curable".

So, does this mean therefore that we are doomed? Is there really no cure and no solution in sight?

The truth is that there is. And this has been withheld for the longest time.

Best kept secrets by major pharmaceutical companies

Pharmaceutical labs don’t want you to know this - the use of herbal remedies. They will lose big money since millions or billions are poured into the research and manufacture of synthetic drugs.

The truth is that herbal remedies are one of the many natural cures that can take the place of conventional drugs. "

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